The Unhinging Chronicles: The Los Angeles Story

California Skies from the Freeway

California Skies from the Freeway

My Fumi-Chronicling Blogging Pen has been silent since my arrival to California and it has been too long.

Lots have happened since my arrival, most of which have been very good and the rest, I am adamant about seeing as good.

To start, I have not started fashion school. The devastating blow has been lessened by the fact that I am meeting brilliant people, experiencing brilliant things and have been a part of a brilliant history in the making.

The journey, as they say, is more important than the destination.

There have been, nevertheless, the bits and bobs that strike me as odd about Los Angeles and living here in the States. So much so that it is a bit like unhinging the known and the comfortable in my head for newer pieces of information, all part of the landscape of this new world I’ve come ashore upon. Some are as strange as they are crazy so it is for this reason that I am calling this “The Unhinging Chronicles.”

I will be putting down occurrences, stories and observations in this section. Things that most likely will be normal to most but strange for this returning ex-pat.

Comments are always welcome and suggestions duly noted.

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